TIP: Clean your dishwasher, including filters, once a week to avoid costly repair bills.

TIP: Stack crockery and pans in the dishwasher correctly. E.g. Cups stacked inside each other, will not wash correctly.

FAULT: Dishwasher does not drain.

TRY: Run the tap in the sink, does the water run down the sink drain? (Be careful with the water not to waste much). If it doesn’t then you require a plumber, not a Whitegoods Technician.
If the sink drains away, next check under the sink. Is the drain hose (grey in colour and ribbed, most times) kinked, trapped or crushed. I
have seen on one occasion that so many carrier bags were jammed under the kitchen sink, that when the cupboard door is shut they have crushed the hose. Most times though it is bins, bottles, pans etc.
If the above has not cured your problem, then place a service call to your Real Estate company.
If this machine is owned by you then please contact us.

REMEMBER: Drain the water out of the dishwasher by hand using a cup, otherwise the smell from the decaying water will take over your home.

TRY: Look under the sink and check to see if the tap is turned on for the dishwasher. This can be identified by the pipe going from the tap to the dishwasher. It is usually plastic and brown, black, grey or white colour. The tap usually turns on in a clockwise direction. Or if it is the lever type, then the lever needs pointing in the direction of the pipe.

FAULT: Dishwasher does not clean

TRY: Probably one of the most common problems we are sent out to on dishwashers. Most times there is no problem with the dishwasher, usually it is down to lack of user maintenance. Simple rule here is, a dishwasher is not a food disposal unit, (Not a food disposal unit)
All crockery/pans etc should be scrapped before being put in the dishwasher. Use a good quality detergent such as Finish
All crockery/pans etc should be scrapped before being put in the dishwasher. Use a good quality detergent such as Finish

TIP: Do not use normal sink washing up liquid in the machine. This will foam up, overflow and result in a costly exercise for you.