Front Loaders Washers

FAULT: Water not draining.

REMEMBER: Before starting, unplug the machine from the power socket!

TRY: Except for very early washing machines (very few around now), all front loading washing machines have filters. These can be found usually at the front of the machine. Either behind a flap at the bottom front or behind the kick plate (plastic panel at the very bottom of the washer front). The kick plates can be gently pulled off to get to the filter. Some washers will have a small pipe next to the filter so you can drain the last of the water into a dish. If they don’t then put a large towel under the front of the washer and a dish (takeaway dish is ideal for this) under the filter and slowly unscrew (most times anti clockwise) the filter a bit at a time until all the water is out.If the washer is full of water and there is no pipe by the side of the filter, check to see if you can reach the drain hose without removing any clamps. If you can, then get a bucket and lower the end of the drain hose as close to the ground as possible while holding it in the bucket. This will allow the water to gravity feed into the bucket. Continue until all the water is out of the machine. After this then remove the filter and clean it. Then carefully look in the filter housing to see if there are no coins or hairclips inside. If you can see the impeller (small fan at the back of the chamber). Try to turn it with your finger. If it is stuck, check to see if a coin or foreign object is jammning it. If all is okay then refit the filter (make sure it is tight so it doesn’t leak). If you have found the blockage/foreign object. Turn it on a wash cycle, checking to see if the filter leaks.
If this has not cured you problem then report the fault to your Real Estate Agent.
If this has not cured you problem then report the fault to your Real Estate Agent.

FAULT: Over Foaming

TRY: Most times this is caused by Top Loader detergent being used instead of Front Loader Detergent. This can damage components in the machine. First put the washing machine onto a drain/spin position. Once all the water (there will still be foam in the drum) has emptied, turn the machine off. Next wait 5 minutes for the child lock to disengage on the door. ALL front loading washing machines have child locks that will stop you opening the door for up to 5 minutes after the programme has finished. Do not try to force the door handle, it will break. Next open the door. Scoop out as much foam as possible. Next add half a cup of milk to the washers soap dispenser draw. Next shut the door and turn the washer onto a rinse cycle. Once filled leave for a couple of minutes. Then start the machine on a spin/drain and let the machine empty. Repeat the process until all the foam has gone. Throw away the top loader detergent and buy a good front loader detergent (E.g Omo or Dynamo). If you haven’t used the wrong detergent, then follow the steps above and then reduce the amount of detergent you are using. Start by using a third of what it says on the packet.

FAULT: Water Leaks from the Soap Dispenser

TRY: Most times this is caused by top loader powder or too much powder being used. Stop using the top loader powder or if it is because of too much powder, reduce the amount you are using. Start by using a third of what it says on the packet.

FAULT: Washer not spinning

TRY: If the washing machine cannot drain, it usually will not spin. Check the filter for blockages/coins/hair pins etc.
Faults on Top Loader and Front Loader Washers

FAULT: Washer not filling

TRY: Check the taps are turned on. These are usually found above the washer or near the side. Trace the hoses back to find the taps.

FAULT: Washer does not turn on

TRY: Try another electrical appliance in the socket for the washer to see if it works e.g Hair dryer. (Common problem) Check that the timer knob doesn’t have to be pulled out to start the machine (pull gently). Check that there is not a switch on the laundry wall that needs to be switched on to make the mains socket live.